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Equity In Focus

Featured 2021 equity columnist for Learning Professional, Dr. Ward’s article is #5 in the top 10 of the most accessed articles.

Checkout other topics in Dr. Ward’s column.

Learning Forward is a subscriber only magazine. If you choose to join, please let them know Dr. Ward sent you.

Students are counting on you to speak up, center their comfort, and do something new. Do something that goes against your comfort zone, yet moves the institution out of the way of student growth, efficacy and agency. 

~ Angela M. Ward, PhD

#AntiRacistLeader Series

Our YouTube channel features Live Conversations with Dr. Angela M. Ward & Dr. Terrance Green and those in the AntiRacist Educational Leader community. This series was designed to bring together the voices of educators who wish to dialogue about current issues in a lighthearted, frank conversation like the ones you might have around the kitchen table with family and friends.

We hold space monthly to support a community of people working in schools who have committed to leading for antiracism and racial equity, to create identity-safe schools for students and workplaces for each other. This series is offered free to the #AntiRacistLeader community.

Subscribe to the 2Ward Equity Community for updates and come through.

Click for #AntiRacistLeader Live Channel

The System Has an Ego

Dr. Green & Dr. Ward discuss the tests on those who are on an antiracist leadership journey.

Professional Learning Course

This course was designed through a conversation with a group of college professors who recognized they were teaching through one lens, their own, and questioned the effectiveness of their teaching. This course is focused on creating culturally responsive and identity-safe classrooms. The content within is relevant for prek-20 classrooms and teachers.